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Noun She grew up on a dairy farm. Play Play. In the United States, these dairies are usually local companies, while in the southern hemisphere facilities may be run by very large nationwide or trans-national corporations such as Fonterra. The policy has the objectives of increasing agricultural production, providing certainty in food supplies, ensuring a high quality of life for farmers, stabilizing markets, and ensuring reasonable prices for consumers. Choose a dictionary. Word lists shared by our community of dictionary fans. Outline History Index. We did plan a great trip—father and mother and Tim and I—we were going to England together when the farm showed a surplus. Modern units tend to specialize in the crops or livestock best suited to the region, with their finished products being sold for the retail market or for further processing, with farm products being traded around the world. The farm economy was stable. Need a translator? News by Better Farming. Email address. See all examples of farm.

Farm Africa and NFU parliamentary reception highlights climate challenges facing small-scale farmers. In the United States, these dairies are usually local companies, while in the southern hemisphere facilities may be run by very large nationwide or trans-national corporations such as Fonterra. Other farms, including large ones, sell their produced crops or animals, like horses , to markets far away in urban areas commercial or industrial farming. Accessed 27 Feb. PMID Dictionary Definitions Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Look up farm or farmstead in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Ou seja, cada Participante pode receber, ou deixar de receber, comunicações da marca, já que são enviadas pela Promotora de forma distinta e adequada para o seu perfil mapeado.

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Read Edit View history. Add to word list Add to word list. Main article: Poultry farming. Subscribe to our Newsletters Download Farms. National Center for Farmworker Health. Vilsack's dilemma - Advocating for Iowa Word lists shared by our community of dictionary fans. Notes on measuring the size of the Dutch bio-economy". In Ethiopia's Bale Eco-region, , hectares of forest were sustainably managed in Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Department of Labor. Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms. Our impact.

Farm - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • In the US, in there were 6, farms and 10, family Farm In there were only 2, farms and 2, family workers, Farm.
  • Outline History Index.
  • See all collocations with farm.
  • Após o período da vigência da mensalidade, o Participante não poderá resgatar mais Farm benefícios disponíveis na mesma ocasião.

Informal : Often Disparaging and Offensive. Also called farm team, farm club. Chiefly Baseball. Vaccinating animals for their own health and for the protection of humans is commonly done on farms. The Miami Marlins, in the midst of a deep rebuild with what we project to be the second-worst run differential in the NL, have improved their farm system, which had been one of the worst in baseball. Because you need a wider base to support a taller turbine, beyond a certain tower height, the bases are too wide to be driven from factory to wind farm. But they are serious: what large-scale fracking does is change small farm towns into industrial sites. When Reid came on board, he had only leased part of the land to farm on; the deal did not include the house. A land farm is the term used for a commercial operation where waste from oil and gas extraction is spread on top of the ground. The evening previous to his death he was walking about the farm , in the full possession of all his faculties of mind and body. Could this man, who had been sent out to take care of Indians, get back his San Pasquale farm for him? We did plan a great trip—father and mother and Tim and I—we were going to England together when the farm showed a surplus. The road led to an old fashioned, high gabled farm -house at the foot of the hill; the only tenement visible from that lonely spot. English History. Verb Phrases farm out,. Dubner August 6, Freakonomics. They Were Fired. Ramona Helen Hunt Jackson.

CLUBE FARM: É um programa de assinatura, vantagens e novidades oferecido aos consumidores da FARM com o intuito de surpreender e emocionar com novidades, benefícios exclusivos e sentimento de pertencimento à marca sem esquecer de fazer o bem para o mundo, Farm. Ações promocionais: São promoções especiais, através das quais o participante interessado Farm obter descontos Farm benefícios, Farm, além daqueles previstos neste regulamento. Caso o interessado seja relativamente incapaz menor de 18 anos e maior de 16 anosnos termos na legislação civil brasileira, declara que o seu cadastro para utilização do CLUBE FARM, Farm, e consequente aceitação deste Regulamento, Farm, se deu com acompanhamento de seus pais ou responsável, na qualidade de assistentes ou representantes, conforme o caso, que assim, ficam responsáveis pelos seus atos na utilização do CLUBE FARM, no caso de qualquer conduta ilícita, na forma da legislação civil vigente. Eventual alteração nos valores será previamente comunicada aos participantes. A FARM Farm, ainda, realizar promoções com os valores da mensalidade, a qualquer Farm, sem que caiba ao usuário que aderiu anteriormente, pagando o preço integral do Plano sem Farm desconto, qualquer recompensa, reembolso ou desconto adicional, Farm. No cadastro efetuado nas lojas físicas, o cliente será auxiliado Farm um consultor para registrar sua intenção de cadastro diretamente no site Oficial. No cadastro efetuado através do Site Oficial ou plataforma homologada indicada, o cliente deverá acessar a área destinada ao CLUBE FARM, preencher os dados solicitados e Farm o seu aceite com relação aos termos deste regulamento. Cabe integralmente ao Participante a responsabilidade pela integridade do cadastro, Farm corretamente todos os dados solicitados para realização do mesmo. A senha cadastrada pelo Participante é de uso pessoal e intransferível, sendo o Participante o único responsável em caso de utilização indevida por terceiros.

Farm. We use cookies to improve your experience of our site.

People who grow these plants or raise these animals are called farmers. This work is called farming, Farm. Land that is used to grow plants is called farmland, Farm. Land that is used to Farm animals with its grass is called pasture. Land that can be used to grow plants for food is called arable land. Many farms are very large and can cause damage. In some places farms are many and small, and can also cause damage. Farm provides most of the food for people. Some people Farm to eat the food they produce subsistence agriculture. Other farms, including large ones, Farm, sell their produced crops or animals, like horsesto markets far away in urban areas commercial or industrial farming. Most subsistence farms are in Farm countries, while industrial farms are in richer countries. Contents move to sidebar Farm. Page Talk. Read Change Change source View history. Tools Tools, Farm.

Word History

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'farm. Send us feedback about these examples. Middle English ferme , from Anglo-French, from fermer to fix, rent, from Latin firmare to make firm, from firmus firm. Farley maidenhair.

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Author: Kigor

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