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agree, thispampers cat muslimsthat necessary. Together

Constantly suing for ridiculous reasons. How absurd to make Mary Poppins a 'PG' when so many films in that category are laden with swearing, sex and Reply to Janet. Duke Vincent - the man behind such hit shows as Dynasty, Melrose Place and Beverly Hills - dies at 91 Lila Moss cuts a stylish figure in an oversized wool coat as she steps out amid Paris Fashion Week Wrapped up for her day out in the French capital Get ready to sweat in style! We must continue to report on the global jihad and the left's war on freedom. How do they expect to be taken seriously Coming to a supermarket near you soon Jesus these people are easily offended no wonder why there is no decent comedy on shows no for fear of offending them. Inside Labour deputy Angela Rayner's old orange-walled council house she sold for £48, profit under Every Muslim should boycott this product. Reply to barskii. We are fresh out of that last car load of running targets you so graciously sent us. Mike Kevins.

If a comment is spammy or unhelpful, click the - symbol under the comment to let us know. Pro-Palestine marches leave police 'less able' to stop crime, MPs warn amid row over Lee Anderson's attack Sure glad he wiped it off before he took another blow. Like Loading Inline Feedbacks.

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Already have a WordPress. The only thing that scares them is toilet paper, soap and water. Remember, YOU make the work possible. We ask a dozen brokers what they'd do Scammers now use AI and deepfakes to forge documents and steal money Oh look, our stately's on the telly again! Yeah but none would buy it. If you are having problems leaving a comment, it's likely because you are using an ad blocker , something that break ads, of course, but also breaks the comments section of our site. Looks nothing like, anyway! Privacy Policy Feedback. I need a couple dozen rolls of that to give to my friends. In a formal letter to police, the Muslim group claimed the "name of Prophet can be seen printed" on the packet in Arabic "even with the bare eye," adding it had "hurt the feelings of the entire Muslim community. Log in now. Kittens should be allowed to laugh at fools the way adults do. Addis Ethiopia Weblog. Imtiyaz Naikoo commented: 'Please grow up. Here's why

Muslims burn Pampers because cat looks like prophet's name in Arabic | Metro News

  • Most watched News videos Tory MP Lee Anderson says Islamists have 'control of Khan and London' Wendy Williams admits downing entire vodka bottle in new documentary Pro-Palestine protestors storm local Conservative fundraiser dinner Mob in Pakistan threatens pampers cat muslims behead woman for 'blasphemous' dress 'Anything to say?
  • Dumber than a Box of Rocks!!!
  • Enough already!

But none of these Muslims who are burning piles of Pampers care about how ridiculous they look. Watch for Procter and Gamble to fold on this and change the design. Video footage viewed more than , times online shows outraged parents making pyres out of Pampers Baby Dry Pants in the streets of India and torching whole packets in protest. Some social media users joined in the calls for a Pampers boycott, while others insisted the cartoon was just an innocent drawing of a cat which had been taken out of context. Please take a moment to consider this. Now, more than ever, people are reading Geller Report for news they won't get anywhere else. But advertising revenues have all but disappeared. Google Adsense is the online advertising monopoly and they have banned us. Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter have blocked and shadow-banned our accounts. But we won't put up a paywall. Because never has the free world needed independent journalism more. Everyone who reads our reporting knows the Geller Report covers the news the media won't. We cannot do our ground-breaking report without your support. We must continue to report on the global jihad and the left's war on freedom. Geller Report's independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our work is critical in the fight for freedom and because it is your fight, too. Make a monthly commitment to support The Geller Report — choose the option that suits you best. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

Muslims in India were filmed burning piles of Pampers products and called for a boycott of the brand, reports said Thursday. According to several reportsmembers of the Darsgah Jihad-o-Shahadat group went on to lodge a formal complaint with police in the Indian city of Hyderabad on Tuesday over the alleged "insult" to Pampers cat muslims. Several videos emerged of activists burning packets of Pampers Baby Dry Pants in protest in the streets of Hyderabad. Every Muslim should boycott this product. In a formal letter to police, the Muslim group claimed the "name of Prophet can be seen printed" on the pampers cat muslims in Arabic "even with the bare eye," adding it had "hurt the feelings of the entire Muslim community. One of the complainants, a member of the Muslim group, Shahnoor Khan, told the Deccan Chronicle the group believed the company "deliberately printed" the word on each nappy to "hurt the Muslim community" and thus spark community unrest, pampers cat muslims.

Pampers cat muslims. Muslims filmed burning Pampers because cat looks like prophet’s name in Arabic

I had to check the calendar, nope not Pampers cat muslims the 1st. For goodness sake. Get a grip! Looks nothing like, anyway! Here we go again, unbelievable. I¿ve never seen a bigger bunch of whiners in my life. How do they expect to be taken seriously. Coming to a supermarket near you soon Jesus these people are easily offended no wonder why there is no decent comedy on shows no for fear of offending them. I can guarantee you that these idiots are illiterate…. Like they say all publicity is good. This entry was posted on February 22, at and is filed under ConspiraciesCuriosityEthiopiaInfotainment. Tagged: ህንድመሀመድሙስሊሞችpampers cat muslims, ቃጠሎእስማኤልዘፍጥረት16ዳይፐርድመት ምስልፓምፐርስpampers cat muslims, BurningIndiaMohammedMuslimsPampers Nappies. You can follow any responses to this entry through pampers cat muslims RSS 2. You can leave a responseor trackback from your own site. Selected Comments: I had to check the calendar, nope not April the 1st.


By Dave Rudge For Mailonline. Muslim protests in India are calling for a boycott of Pampers products after claiming to have seen the word 'Mohammed' in the face of a cartoon cat which appears on its nappies. The lines illustrating the whiskers, nose, mouth and left eye of the smiley feline have been suggested to resemble the Prophet's name when written in Arabic or Urdu, although the company that makes the products vehemently denied the claims. Procter and Gamble in a statement that said they would never intend to offend any person or religion and the the design showed 'an innocent animated representation of a cat. However, the image on the hygiene product has been branded an 'insult' to Islam by critics, and protesters have staged 'Pampers burnings'.

The only thing that scares them is toilet paper, soap and water. And replace it with……absolutely nothing. Reply to Mickey Oberman.

Author: Najin

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