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He fastened the buckle over his thin ankles and looked up at his Master. Lucius spelled Severus hole tight again and ordered him to sit on the Dark Lord slowly. You should come and greet your master Severus, your teacher is trying to infuse you with some manners after all! But Sir said not to come , the voice in the back of his head reminded him, and Severus bit his cheek willing himself not to come. When the pain was too great for him to go on he'd prepare a large batch of polijuice potion and torture himself even further standing in front of a mirror for endless hours, playing with a face that was not his own. Severus' classes were as hard as etiquette classes could be, teaching a thirty something year old man to behave like a woman, and a lady at that was hard enough, add to it that Severus had to learn how to behave like an aristocrat's slut, stripping himself from his pride and opening his legs willingly to Lucius anywhere, his teacher was just about to snap. He knew exactly what was about to happen to him, the pristine white environment, the straps tying him to the table and of course the mediwizards that were preparing the injection that would change his life from barely livable to a complete hell. What had he done? Severus squirmed and looked up at him pleadingly. If… if he pleases the Master so, I want to please the Master as well! Snape groaned at the warm tight heat. His greasy hair that he'd kept short during the years as a fugitive now reached his lower back in a silky caress, shiny, not oily, attractive; not repulsive.

The hips, this beautiful curved body… I haven't made you the perfect fucking toy only , I've made you the perfect breading mare as well! Website Domain © by Apollo. But Sir said not to come , the voice in the back of his head reminded him, and Severus bit his cheek willing himself not to come. After his hole was filled to the brim with cum the Lord slipped from it and slammed into his cunt, causing the slurping noises to increase tenfold through the hall. Severus struggled to be quiet but as the sound reached his bladder he started whimpering again, one, two, three times and Severus started peeing in Lucius robes and all over the bed. Lucius stopped talking and concentrated on fucking Severus till he came, closing his come into that delicious hole by inserting the butt plug deeply again. One brush of his hand against hers, before those long dexterous fingers encircled her wrist and squeezed. He entered the room quietly, quickly scanning for his pet. LJ Video. There was an initial sting, but as Snape fingers began to push and probe with every stab or so knocking the sensitive bundle of nerves inside of him Harry could not help twitching and moaning to the delight of the audience.

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Severus swallowed everything he was given, and when Harry pulled his head off, Severus was panting. He was going to make himself the best out there. Snape walked over to the side of the bed. The dark haired man remained quiet but his eyes betrayed his fear, too many years had passed since Severus had last felt secure. By the time Lucius stopped Severus was reeking again, the whole bed was soaked in female juices and pee. Years after Voldemort's demise, a Marriage Law is introduced to encourage more magical births and Lucius is thrown together with a Ravenclaw Muggleborn only just out of school. While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The man smiled and vanished the teacher from the room with his wand, approaching Severus and lifting his bottom for inspection. Love how Severus decides to spend the holiday with Harry and how he rushes in to 'save' Harry - who, of course, needs all the saving XD Awesome work! Finally the burning sensation on his insides told Severus that Lucius had come and sure enough after a while the man pulled out panting. Next came a black lace thong that framed prettily around his cock and balls without covering them at all and a black transparent gown that barely closed with a single button over his tits, flowing to his buttocks and leaving his body mostly bare. The Dark Lord would obviously be there and Severus had been ordered to rest and let the house elves pamper him for the big night. He waited to see if his Master would order something else from him and sure enough the man gestured for him to go around the room pleasing the guests. Anonymous asked: Aleksander

Severus Snape Has a Large Cock - Works | Archive of Our Own

  • You may cry but no sobs, understood?
  • Harry obliged, kissing him sweetly.
  • Snape moved Harry's hand through Harry's pubs and Harry felt his hair fall into his hand.

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While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled, severus pamper harry cock fanfiction. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Damian Green was a normal writer when he was suddenly transmigrated into the body of Severus Snape. He cursed his fate immediately the next day though. Everything was not like he thought. You've wanted your potions, Professor, for a long time.

Severus pamper harry cock fanfiction. Fic: My Pet Harry (Chapter 5)

Previous Entry Next Entry. View All Archives. Log in No account? Create an account. Remember me. QR code. LJ Video, severus pamper harry cock fanfiction. Comments 16 comments — Leave a comment. Deliciously sweet and sexy! I love how tender they are together and how Severus, who's normally so careful with his affections, jumped right in to make love with Harry. It's a Yule miracle. Link Reply Thread. A Yule miracle, indeed! And the strongest wards around!

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Severus truly thought he could combust. But then it moved upward, towards his now weeping cock. But Harry paid no attention to Severus, simply carried on his conversation with McGonagall. Severus fought back a long moan when Harry palmed his cock, dropping his fork as he did. Severus whined softly, and when Harry shot him a glare, he silenced himself. So he remained still while Harry teased and tortured him, bringing him to the edge of orgasm before taking his hand away.

The baby will die if you leave it the way it is! Hogwarts Potions Mistress, Hermione Granger is locked in the castle dungeons with Headmaster Severus Snape and together they search for a cure. He was going to severus pamper harry cock fanfiction himself the best out there.

Author: Faehn

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