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Polska firma, Stroller adamex, która produkuje wózki dziecięce i foteliki samochodowe. Ceniona za solidność i ciekawą stylistykę, wzorowaną na światowych trendach. Oferuje wysokiej klasy wózki wielofunkcyjne, spacerowe i klasyczne, a także Stroller adamex, funkcjonalne akcesoria. Szanowni Państwo pliki cookie są niezbędne dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania strony. Zasady ich funkcjonowania na naszej stronie ujęty zostały w Polityce Prywatności. Dziękujemy za Państwa zainteresowanie naszym sklepem internetowym.

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Stroller adamex. Adamex strollers

Delivery time about weeks. Ask for details. Free summer cover for CabrioFix car seats. In set: frame stroller carrycot Maxi Cosi Cabrio car seat familyfix base Stroller adamex, cover for the legs for the carrycot and the walking seat, rain cover and mosquito net, Stroller adamex, gloves, cup holder, bottle changing table. The Belissa carrycot has an opening ventilation window with a magnetic flap hidden in the upholstery. The carrycot cover is zipped, thanks to which we gain quick access to the child without removing the cover. The vestibule in the cover can be unfolded, constantly maintaining eye contact with the child thanks to the transparent window, Stroller adamex, or fully detached when it is not needed, Stroller adamex. The carrycot booth has an additional ventilation window with a zipper and a retractable sun visor. Belissa's stroller seat is fully adjustable, has an extended footrest, a comfortable cover and five-point seat belts. The leather-covered barrier is removable and tilting. The booth can be enlarged Stroller adamex an additional wedge and has a closed ventilation window. The stroller frame can be folded together with the stroller seat, which makes transport easier. The Belissa frame is light and Stroller adamex when folded. It has an easy folding system, soft shock absorbers, a comfortable shopping basket, maintenance-free tubeless wheels, an integrated brake and a bottle holder.


Adamex strollers are offering modern solutions and a wide range of color combinations. Thanks to the robust chassis equipped with soft suspension and large wheels, Adamex strollers can typically handle even a more challenging terrain. The carrycots of the 2in1 or 3in1 stroller systems are spacious and well ventilated. The soft padding there provides comfortable and safe sleeping space for the baby.

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Author: Goltidal

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